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13th Oct – 300ft Bungee – Cheshire


Join us for the highest bungee jump in the UK and raise money for the Kaleidoscope Plus Group.

Our 300ft bungee jump is a special event and happens on selective dates throughout the year and is the highest regular jump you will find anywhere in the UK. Tatton Park is a fantastic location, with the jump itself taking place over the vast picturesque lake. As you reach the dizzying height you will have a few seconds to appreciate the huge 1,000 acres of deerpark and the stunning scenery before you take the giant leap of the 300ft platform!

Please note KPG will cover £50 of the costs for this event, there is a further £25 needed to register for this event.

You will need to register by 19th September to secure your place.

Your minimum fundraising target will be set at £250.

For further information please contact: [email protected]


October 13

Tatton Park

Cheshire, WA16 6QN United Kingdom

You Need to Register by:

19th September

Registration Fee:
KPG will contribute: £50

You will contribute: £25

Your Minimum Fundraising Target is:
