Our Sandwell Outreach Recovery Team. Helping you to live independently.

How Can SORT Help You?

Where possible, we want to encourage you to remain in the comfort of your own home, however, we recognise that sometimes you might need a bit of extra support to do this.

Our Sandwell Outreach Recovery Team (SORT) offer care and support helping you to do just this. Our dedicated team of STR Workers (Support, Time, Recovery) can offer a package of care enabling you to:

  • Keep on top of your bills
  • Carry out routine household tasks.
  • Find paid work and volunteering opportunities, access training and further education.
  • Better manage your mental and physical health.
  • Access healthcare services.
  • Find and maintain accommodation.
  • Access legal advice.
  • Manage self harm.
  • Develop confidence and become more involved in social activities.

Please Note

Although we cannot offer personal care, such as assistance with washing, dressing, or administering medication, we can signpost to other organisations and support groups who will be able to help.

Who Can Access Support?

This service is available to people aged between 18 – 65 living in Sandwell who are experiencing mental ill health and who have a housing-related support need.

Support can only be offered once an assessment has taken place.

For more information email sort@ or call 0121 565 5605

When Can I Access Support?

Our team are on hand Monday – Friday from 9am until 5pm but can work outside of these hours if needed.

It’s important to note that we work closely with other mental health service providers, including Community Psychiatric Nurses and Social Workers so our support may be part of a larger package of care and our STR team might not be the only ones working with you.

We're always with you

Follow us on social media for daily mental health advice, news on our latest fundraisers and ways you can make a difference in everyday life