Our Services
We have teams of specially trained staff in every sector. Supporting people who need it the most. From mental health to independent living and wellbeing.

Our Services
What We Offer
We aim to help each person that needs us, meeting their unique, individual needs. In addition to our service provision, we are dedicated to making mental health everyone’s business, challenging stigma, and using our voice and the voices of our ambassadors and partners to facilitate real change.
If you have any questions about any of our services, contact us
Our Services
Click on the flip boxes below to find out more information about each one of our services
Suicide Bereavement
Suicide Bereavement Support
Lads Chat
Independent Living
Sanctuary Hub
Mental Health
Mental Health Training Courses
Community Offer
Counselling Support
Sandwell Outreach Recovery Team
Self Harm
Self Harm Support
Residential Care
Primary Mental Health
Primary Mental Health Workers
Wellbeing In The
Workplace Wellbeing Programme
Support Groups
Upcoming Support Groups
At Kaleidoscope Plus Group we offer a range of support groups to help support your mental wellbeing. This could be a simple coffee and chat or more specialist groups such as hoarding or bereaved by suicide. Click on one of our upcoming support groups to find out more information.